Experiencing Vinton County – Lake Hope Dining Lodge Update September 2011

There’s an exciting thing happening here in Vinton County – and that is the construction of the new Lake Hope State Park Dining Lodge!

The original lodge which was constructed in the 1950’s burned to the ground in February, 2006, and since that time, there has been uncertainty about whether the lodge would be re-built, and if it was re-built, what features and services would it have?

Thankfully, now it can be reported that a new dining lodge to replace the one lost to fire is under construction as the official ground breaking occurred on Monday, August 15, 2011.

And as to what it will look like, what it will contain, and the services it will offer? We have some of those answers, too!

In this episode of Experiencing Vinton County, Bruce Knox and Brandi Betts talk with Mr. David Reiser of RVC Architects of Athens, OH about the construction project of the new lodge. Mr. Reiser is the Lead Architect for the project and he provides answers to many of the questions that have been asked regarding the new Lake Hope State Park Dining Lodge.



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