Episode 54 – Triple Crown Family Fun Center SVC Sports Talk 040813

During the past week, the inbox is starting to fill up with opinions about playing two sports – including club or AAU – at the same time. How do you feel about student-athletes “balancing” more than one thing at a time? SVCsportszone.com’s Shayne Combs and Jeremy Ward both have some passionate opinions on this topic, and if you do as well, the first segment of this week’s show is a “must” listen.

In baseball, the discussion looks at scheduling as well as how pitching plays a role in making and playing out the schedule; whereas, in softball, the focus is on having balance throughout the lineup.

In this week’s Extra Innings, the questions generate discussion of first week surprises, first week overreactions, number of losses for this year’s champion, and high school umpiring.

The final look at the inbox returns us to athletes playing multiple sports, but this time the email wants to know about specific athletes. What is the “best” sport for Alayna Lytle, Isaac Brabson, Laci Stanforth, and Regan Stonerock (just to name a few)? Take a listen to final segment for an opinion.


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