Episode 217 – Triple Crown Family Fun Center SVC Sports Talk 041618

As baseball and softball reaches the halfway point, Shayne breakdowns the first half and look ahead to the second half. While focusing on the offensive impact in the standings, the show also discusses the quick pace to the spring schedule and how it is unique to all other sports. Finally, the show addresses the idea of Friday night games at the VA and how it could impact exposure for SVC baseball.

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1 thought on “Episode 217 – Triple Crown Family Fun Center SVC Sports Talk 041618”

  1. Youth softball has some advantages.. forgive me because I can’t remember the exact ages but they use an 11″ softball at 2 to 3 pitching distances prior to moving to 43′ with a 12″ ball. That helps the younger kids make the defense plays a little easier. I know a lot of kids that I have coached have opted out of softball in high school.. I believe this is due to getting burnt out at an early age and the availability of new/different sports.

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